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Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Specialist

Elite IVF -  - Infertility and Reproductive Medicine

Elite IVF

Infertility and Reproductive Medicine & Minimally Invasive Robotic Gynecology located throughout Alabama, Tennessee, and Texas

If you’re part of the 1% of women with repeated miscarriages, the emotional trauma and frustration can take a toll on you. At Elite IVF, Botros Rizk, MD, MA FACOG, FACS, HCLD, FRCOG, FRCS, and his team can evaluate you to find the cause of your recurrent pregnancy loss and provide treatment to improve your chances of a successful pregnancy. Elite IVF has locations in The Woodlands, Odessa, Houston and Fulshear, Texas, Nashville, Tennessee, and Fairhope, Alabama. If you’re trying to get pregnant and have had two or more miscarriages book an appointment by phone or online at Elite IVF today.

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Q&A

What is recurrent pregnancy loss?

Recurrent pregnancy loss is characterized by two or more pregnancies that end unexpectedly because of complications before 20 weeks. If you have a third miscarriage, you should book an appointment at Elite IVF for a physical exam and advanced testing.

Elite IVF offers blood testing, genetic testing, imaging tests, pelvic exams, and other strategies to determine the cause of your pregnancy loss. They also provide treatment for many of the most common underlying causes of recurrent pregnancy loss and can help you explore treatments even if there is no identifiable cause. 

What causes recurrent pregnancy loss?

There are many reasons why you might struggle to maintain a pregnancy. The most common cause of miscarriages is genetic or chromosomal abnormalities with the embryo. This happens at random, but your chances increase with your age at the time of your pregnancy. 

Other common causes of recurrent pregnancy loss fit into the following three categories:

Problems with reproductive organs

You might experience recurrent pregnancy loss because of structural abnormalities in your reproductive system. These include scar tissue adhesions as well as noncancerous growths like polyps or fibroids.

Genetic problems

An issue affecting you or your partner’s chromosomes called translocation can lead to recurrent pregnancy loss. If you have translocation, a piece of one of your chromosomes transfers to another chromosome. You won’t notice any outward signs or symptoms if you or your partner has this, but some of your eggs or sperm will not be viable for pregnancy.

Medical conditions

Underlying medical conditions like diabetes and certain autoimmune disorders can contribute to recurrent pregnancy loss. 

Is recurrent pregnancy loss treatable?

At Elite IVF, the team evaluates you to find the reasons for your pregnancy loss. They use their conclusions to find appropriate treatments for the root causes. They might prescribe certain medications to treat underlying conditions or corrective surgery to treat structural abnormalities within your reproductive system.

The Elite IVF team might also recommend in vitro fertilization as a treatment for recurrent pregnancy loss. For several days, you take shots of hormones to make your ovaries produce many eggs. The team extracts the eggs and fertilizes them with sperm from your partner or donor. Before implanting an embryo in your uterus, the team performs genetic testing to ensure there are no chromosomal issues that could end the pregnancy. 

If you’ve had two or more miscarriages and want to find the reason for your recurrent pregnancy loss, call Elite IVF or book an appointment online today.